What we do


A small charity doing BIG things…


UKTS’s overriding aim is to improve the lives of people living with thalassaemia. We provide invaluable support to patients with the condition across the UK. This means supporting not only the patients and families themselves, but also a broader network of medical and educational professionals involved in their care. We organise conferences for health professionals to share information on latest treatments and support groups for patients to share their experiences.

Over the years, we have funded life-saving equipment and ground-breaking research and development. We work with Public Health England and the NHS to promote screening and to develop clinical standards to ensure the best care for thalassaemia patients. We have given rise to a number of other charities around the world and continue to support them. We do not receive any government funding and are wholly dependent on private donations. It is vital that we continue fund-raising in order to support all those – patients and their families, medical and educational professionals, overseas charities and many more – that are dependent on the work we do.