Health and Well-being



To achieve good health outcomes, you need to focus on your mind just as much as your body!

They are connected after all!

Feeling physically fit, and feeling good about ourselves, means that we can go and achieve more of the things we want to do in life.

Staying in good health is important for all of us, and can help you live happier, healthier and longer with thalassaemia!

The best way to stay healthy – physically and mentally – is by learning how to take care of yourself, and about the support you can get to help with any health problem you might already have.

In this section you can find out about different ways to stay well in mind and body whatever your situation. We’ve got information on how to take care of yourself, including information on psychological well-being, nutrition, exercise and others.

We hope this section helps you but please speak to someone if you are struggling. Suffering in silence is not worth it!